Tooltip 🔗

Example 🔗

The first element appear in <tooltip> node will be the trigger element. You can also use target to reference it from outside the component.

Note: Tooltips with zero-length texts are never displayed.

Hover over the button below to toggle tooltips:

<btn type="primary" id="btn">Hover me!</btn>
<tooltip text="Static tooltip content goes here" target="#btn"/>
<!-- tooltip-example.vue -->

Trigger target 🔗

Order to decide the tooltip trigger:

  1. Use target if exist.
  2. Use element in default slot with data-role="trigger" attribute if exist.
  3. Use the first element present in default slot.

A target can be:

  • Selector that can be recognized by querySelect.
  • Reference to Element.
  • Reference to Component.

Directive 🔗

You can also simply use tooltips via v-tooltip directive:

<btn v-tooltip="'Static tooltip content goes here'" type="primary">Hover me!</btn>
<!-- tooltip-directive.vue -->

Placements 🔗

Supported placements:

  • top (Default)
  • right
  • bottom
  • left
<btn v-tooltip.left="'Tooltip content on left'" type="primary">Left</btn>
<btn"'Tooltip content on top'" type="primary">Top</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.bottom="'Tooltip content on bottom'" type="primary">Bottom</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.right="'Tooltip content on right'" type="primary">Right</btn>
<!-- tooltip-placements.vue -->

Auto placement 🔗

Tooltips will try to find the best placement for displaying while auto-placement is set to true (by default) base on the default placement setting. Useful while there does not have enough space to show the entire tooltip content.

auto-placement try order: right -> bottom -> left -> top, and use the set one if none of these matched.

Viewport 🔗

Keeps the tooltip within the bounds of this element.

<div id="tooltip-viewport" style="display: inline-block; padding: 20px; background-color: #eee">
  <btn v-tooltip="{text:'Tooltip content auto', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Auto</btn>
  <btn v-tooltip.left="{text:'Tooltip content on left', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Left</btn>
  <btn"{text:'Tooltip content on top', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Top</btn>
  <btn v-tooltip.bottom="{text:'Tooltip content on bottom', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Bottom</btn>
  <btn v-tooltip.right="{text:'Tooltip content on right', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Right</btn>
  <btn v-tooltip="{text:'Tooltip content auto', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Auto</btn>
<!-- tooltip-viewport.vue -->

Triggers 🔗

Supported triggers:

  • hover show on mouseenter, hide on mouseleave.
  • focus show on focus, hide on blur.
  • hover-focus (Default) combination of hover and focus trigger.
  • click toggle on trigger click.
  • outside-click same as click, but not close on tooltip click and close on outside click.
<btn v-tooltip="'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Hover-Focus (Default)</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.hover="'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Hover</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.focus="'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Focus</btn>
<btn"'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Click</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.outside-click="'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Outside-Click</btn>
<!-- tooltip-triggers.vue -->

Manual trigger 🔗

Set trigger prop to manual to disable all the event listeners, and controls tooltips show / hide only by v-model change.

    <tooltip text="Static tooltip content goes here" trigger="manual" v-model="show">
      <btn>You Can't Trigger Tooltip Here...</btn>
    <btn type="primary" @click="show = !show">Toggle Tooltip</btn>
  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        show: false
<!-- tooltip-manual-trigger.vue -->

Disable tooltip 🔗

Set enable prop to false to disable a tooltip.

<tooltip text="Static tooltip content goes here" :enable="false">
  <btn type="primary">Disabled Tooltip</btn>
<!-- tooltip-disable.vue -->

API Reference 🔗

Tooltip 🔗

Props 🔗

Name Type Default Required Description
v-model Boolean Show / hide the tooltip.
target Tooltip trigger, can be a select or reference to Element / Component.
tag String span The HTML tag that render the component.
text String The tooltip text.
enable Boolean true Enable the tooltip.
enterable Boolean true Whether mouse can enter the tooltip.
placement String top The tooltip placement, support top / bottom / left / right.
auto-placement Boolean true Try to auto adjust the placement if the set one does not have enough space to show.
trigger String hover-focus The tooltip trigger event, support hover / focus / hover-focus / click / outside-click / manual
append-to String body Element selector that the tooltip append to.
transition-duration Number 150 The tooltip show / hide transition time in ms.
show-delay Number 0 (0.30.0+) Delay showing the tooltip (ms).
hide-delay Number 0 (0.30.0+) Delay hidding the tooltip (ms).
viewport String or Function (0.31.0+) Keeps the tooltip within the bounds of this element. Example: viewport: '#viewport'. If a function is given, it is called with the triggering element DOM node as its only argument.
custom-class String (0.33.0+) Apply a custom css class to the tooltip.

Events 🔗

Name Params Description
show Fire after tooltip show.
hide Fire after tooltip hide.

Directive 🔗

The binding value will be the text content of corresponding tooltip.

Simplest Usage

v-tooltip="'tooltip content'"

Placements Examples

v-tooltip.left="'tooltip content'"
v-tooltip.right="'tooltip content'"

Triggers Examples

v-tooltip.hover="'tooltip content'""'tooltip content'"


v-tooltip.unenterable="'tooltip content'"

Custom append-to

v-tooltip:arg="'tooltip content'"

arg is the ID (without prefix #) of the element to append to, leave it empty to use default value body.


v-tooltip.left.hover="'tooltip content'""'tooltip content'"

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