The first element appear in <tooltip>
node will be the trigger element. You can also use target
to reference it from outside the component.
Note: Tooltips with zero-length texts are never displayed.
Hover over the button below to toggle tooltips:
<btn type="primary" id="btn">Hover me!</btn>
<tooltip text="Static tooltip content goes here" target="#btn"/>
<!-- tooltip-example.vue -->
Order to decide the tooltip trigger:
attribute if exist.A target
can be:
.You can also simply use tooltips via v-tooltip
<btn v-tooltip="'Static tooltip content goes here'" type="primary">Hover me!</btn>
<!-- tooltip-directive.vue -->
Supported placements:
<btn v-tooltip.left="'Tooltip content on left'" type="primary">Left</btn>
<btn"'Tooltip content on top'" type="primary">Top</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.bottom="'Tooltip content on bottom'" type="primary">Bottom</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.right="'Tooltip content on right'" type="primary">Right</btn>
<!-- tooltip-placements.vue -->
Tooltips will try to find the best placement for displaying while auto-placement
is set to true
(by default) base on the default placement setting. Useful while there does not have enough space to show the entire tooltip content.
try order: right -> bottom -> left -> top, and use the set one if none of these matched.
Keeps the tooltip within the bounds of this element.
<div id="tooltip-viewport" style="display: inline-block; padding: 20px; background-color: #eee">
<btn v-tooltip="{text:'Tooltip content auto', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Auto</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.left="{text:'Tooltip content on left', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Left</btn>
<btn"{text:'Tooltip content on top', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Top</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.bottom="{text:'Tooltip content on bottom', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Bottom</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.right="{text:'Tooltip content on right', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Right</btn>
<btn v-tooltip="{text:'Tooltip content auto', viewport:'#tooltip-viewport'}" type="primary">Auto</btn>
<!-- tooltip-viewport.vue -->
Supported triggers:
show on mouseenter, hide on mouseleave.focus
show on focus, hide on blur.hover-focus
(Default) combination of hover and focus
toggle on trigger click.outside-click
same as click, but not close on tooltip click and close on outside click.<btn v-tooltip="'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Hover-Focus (Default)</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.hover="'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Hover</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.focus="'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Focus</btn>
<btn"'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Click</btn>
<btn v-tooltip.outside-click="'Static tooltip content'" type="primary">Outside-Click</btn>
<!-- tooltip-triggers.vue -->
Set trigger
prop to manual
to disable all the event listeners, and controls tooltips show / hide only by v-model
<tooltip text="Static tooltip content goes here" trigger="manual" v-model="show">
<btn>You Can't Trigger Tooltip Here...</btn>
<btn type="primary" @click="show = !show">Toggle Tooltip</btn>
export default {
data () {
return {
show: false
<!-- tooltip-manual-trigger.vue -->
Set enable
prop to false
to disable a tooltip.
<tooltip text="Static tooltip content goes here" :enable="false">
<btn type="primary">Disabled Tooltip</btn>
<!-- tooltip-disable.vue -->
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
v-model | Boolean | Show / hide the tooltip. | ||
target | Tooltip trigger, can be a select or reference to Element / Component. | |||
tag | String | span | The HTML tag that render the component. | |
text | String | The tooltip text. | ||
enable | Boolean | true | Enable the tooltip. | |
enterable | Boolean | true | Whether mouse can enter the tooltip. | |
placement | String | top | The tooltip placement, support top / bottom / left / right . | |
auto-placement | Boolean | true | Try to auto adjust the placement if the set one does not have enough space to show. | |
trigger | String | hover-focus | The tooltip trigger event, support hover / focus / hover-focus / click / outside-click / manual | |
append-to | String | body | Element selector that the tooltip append to. | |
transition-duration | Number | 150 | The tooltip show / hide transition time in ms. | |
show-delay | Number | 0 | (0.30.0+) Delay showing the tooltip (ms). | |
hide-delay | Number | 0 | (0.30.0+) Delay hidding the tooltip (ms). | |
viewport | String or Function | (0.31.0+) Keeps the tooltip within the bounds of this element. Example: viewport: '#viewport'. If a function is given, it is called with the triggering element DOM node as its only argument. | ||
custom-class | String | (0.33.0+) Apply a custom css class to the tooltip. |
Name | Params | Description |
show | Fire after tooltip show. | |
hide | Fire after tooltip hide. |
The binding value will be the text content of corresponding tooltip.
Simplest Usage
v-tooltip="'tooltip content'"
Placements Examples
v-tooltip.left="'tooltip content'"
v-tooltip.right="'tooltip content'"
Triggers Examples
v-tooltip.hover="'tooltip content'""'tooltip content'"
v-tooltip.unenterable="'tooltip content'"
Custom append-to
v-tooltip:arg="'tooltip content'"
is the ID (without prefix #
) of the element to append to, leave it empty to use default value body
v-tooltip.left.hover="'tooltip content'""'tooltip content'"
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Designed and built by @wxsm
Code under MIT License
Document under CC BY 4.0