Notification 🔗

Displays a global notification message at a corner of the page.

Example 🔗

Click on the button below to show a notification. By default, it is dismissible with a close button, and will dismiss automatically after 5000ms (both are configurable).

    <btn @click="notify" type="primary">Simplest Notification</btn>
    <btn @click="notify2" type="primary">No Auto-dismiss Notification</btn>
  export default {
    methods: {
      // example with callback
      // pass a String as the notification content
      notify () {
        this.$notify('This is a simple notify msg.', () => {
          // callback after dismissed
      // example with Promise and options
      notify2 () {
          title: 'Title',
          content: 'This notification will not dismiss automatically.',
          duration: 0
        }).then(() => {
          // resolve after dismissed
<!-- notification-example.vue -->

Types 🔗

There're 4 optional types of notification: info / success / warning / danger (also alias as error). Except type option, you can also use registered shortcut methods (0.33.0+, see examples below).

Notification with specific type will has a default icon on the left, you can also change or remove the icon by icon option.

    <btn @click="info" type="info">Info</btn>
    <btn @click="success" type="success">Success</btn>
    <btn @click="warning" type="warning">Warning</btn>
    <btn @click="danger" type="danger">Danger</btn>
  export default {
    methods: {
      info () {
          type: 'info',
          title: 'Heads up!',
          content: 'This alert needs your attention, but it\'s not super important.'
      success () {
          type: 'success',
          title: 'Well done!',
          content: 'You successfully read this important alert message.'
      warning () {
        // simple warning with content only
        this.$notify.warning('Better check yourself, you\'re not looking too good.')
      danger () {
        // error msg with title and content (other options available too)
        // `error` is an alias of `danger` (both of them works)
          title: 'Oh snap!',
          content: 'Change a few things up and try submitting again.'
<!-- notification-types.vue -->

Placements 🔗

Notifications can be placed on any corner on a page.

The position prop defines which corner a notification will slide in. It can be top-right (default), top-left, bottom-right or bottom-left.

    <btn @click="notify('top-right')" type="primary">Top Right (Default)</btn>
    <btn @click="notify('bottom-right')" type="primary">Bottom Right</btn>
    <btn @click="notify('bottom-left')" type="primary">Bottom Left</btn>
    <btn @click="notify('top-left')" type="primary">Top Left</btn>
  export default {
    methods: {
      notify (placement) {
          placement, // equal to `placement: placement` in ES6
          title: 'Title',
          content: `This is a notify msg at ${placement}.`
<!-- notification-placements.vue -->

Dismissible 🔗

By default a notification is dismissible with a close button, you can hide it by setting dismissible to false.

  <btn @click="notify" type="primary">Notification Without Dismiss Button</btn>
  export default {
    methods: {
      notify () {
          title: 'Title',
          content: 'This is a notification without dismiss btn.',
          dismissible: false
<!-- notification-without-dismiss-btn.vue -->

With modals 🔗

By default, notifications will be covered by modal backdrops, you can fix this by adding below CSS into your project:

body > .alert {
  z-index: 2000;

where 2000 can be any value that bigger than the modal z-index.

Global method 🔗

$notify(options, callback) global method for Vue.prototype will be added if uiv is installed.

Note that the dismissed callback is optional.

The method will return a Promise object that resolve while the notification is dismissed (if supported by browser or with es6 promise polyfill).

Import individually 🔗

If you prefer importing Notification individually:

import { Notification } from 'uiv'

The corresponding method is Notification.notify, with same parameters as above.

API Reference 🔗

Notification 🔗

These props are used as options in the methods above.

Props 🔗

Name Type Default Required Description
title String The notification title.
content String The notification content.
html Boolean false Allow HTML in content.
type String Support: info / success / warning / danger.
duration Number 5000 Dismiss after milliseconds, use 0 to prevent self-closing.
dismissible Boolean true Show dismiss button.
placement String top-right Support: top-right / top-left / bottom-right / bottom-left.
icon String Custom icon class, use an empty string to disable icon.
customClass Custom classes to alert, anything that can work with v-bind:class or :class.
offset Number 15 The space in px between notifications.
offsetX Number 15 The horizontal offset in px while displaying notification.
offsetY Number 15 The vertical offset in px while displaying notification.

Methods 🔗

You can call a method by $notify or Notification, for example this.$notify.dismissAll().

Name Params Description
dismissAll Dismiss all notifications.
info / success / warning / danger (error) String or Object Display a corresponding notification.

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